Here's the link to my site builder jing.

<a href="">2012-02-04_1116</a>

Site builder is a secure web application that allows teachers to upload homework, create an interactive calendar, and post URL that are related to specific content.

Creating the Jing was relatively painless.  What I found to be the biggest obstacle was overcoming my perfectionist tendancies.  I wanted everything to be "perfect".  I certainly had to let that go.

My suggestion is to create a script for yourself before capturing your Jing video.  I still had to make several attempts before I completed my final Jing because I had to figure out how to best read the script and navigate my computer simultaneously - no small feat!

Overall - I can see Jing being used as a great way to share information such as websites with students. Students could even create short jings to share computer based projects.


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