Info-diets Jings: Lesson 6 - Social Media For Educators: Post here as a Reply

Lesson Six for Social Media for Educators Info-diet Jings go here,

please post as a reply!  Facebook users please show us the best uses possible!

____Create and Share a Jing showing 3 minutes of your best innovations related to info-diet inputs and outputs; specifically what you think others would find most interesting about your own “best practices.” Facebook users please consider this your key opportunity to share what you like most about Facebook and/or Twitter with emphasis on using Facebook and/or Twitter for community outreach.

____Post your Jing link as a reply to the Jing Info-diets forum at our Ning social network site;  (One hour)


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A little over 3 minutes, I was having trouble fitting in all the necessary information! This is a jing I created about using Facebook in my classroom as way to communicate and involve my students' families.

Heidi WRight's Jing is at

The Jing show's how to use the web application S'more for communication with groups of people.

Here is my Jing about a big part of my info diet.

Here's my screencast talking about how we use facebook to reach people at our school!

Maggie Harth's jing about Edmodo

This jing is more focused on my personal diet regarding best practicies

Here is my jing video about inputs and outputs/how I manage my work. 

/Users/OutOfTheBoxEducation/Documents/Jing Videos/Lesson 6 best practices.swf

Trevor Snyder

Lesson 6

I am on leave this year so I don't have an active classroom or group of students, but I am working on something that I feel will help keep students safe at school in the Anchorage School District.  This presentation is heavy on my reasoning and purpose, but I also tried to emphasize how I'm using social media tools to help achieve my goal.

Here is the link to my Jing:

Lesson 6

Screencast on info-diets:

Here is my Jing about how I use Facebook. Thanks!

How I use my facebook! Danke. 

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