Task 1:  Reviewing the videos regarding iPads in classrooms.

During the One Transformed Classroom video, there were several things that stood out for me.  First, elementary classrooms are very different from a high/middle school classroom, and rural classrooms are very different than in urban settings.  The level of “community” is significantly higher in rural schools, which I believe to be an asset for the students.  In urban schools for example, it’s far less common for family members of the teacher/students to come into a classroom during lunch.

One area of concern I have from watching the video is the limited face-to-face conversations between the students or their teacher.  In the context of that room, this could be less of a concern, but in the context the deterioration of social skills among people growing up with social media and digital communication.  There’s a growing discussion among Gen Y and the rest of us about the lack of social skills this generation has.  The first two links below that address this issue, the Huffington Post and the pediatrics publication discuss this issue.






Task 2:  Search for and contribute a minimum of the three best resources you can find on Social Media in the Classroom, Education, etc. 

Below are links I found on various topics that are relevant to issue myself and other guidance counselors are working with students on currently.  There’s a growing trend of college admission personnel looking at applicant’s social media accounts and including that information in their decision to accept students or not.  The link ending in pdf is a document focused on providing guidance for counselors regarding professional boundaries and use of social media. 











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Thank you for posting these articles. I am using the kids to college program with my fifth grade class and I would like to spend more time talking about the effect of social media on college admission. I feel that no matter how often kids are told that everything they put online is permanent, there are a percentage that don't listen or don't care. I have teen relatives that post things that are going to hurt them in the future. No matter what their parents tell them they continue. I monitor my own teens online, but I know they have accounts I am not privy to. We have had regular conversations about the damage a post in bad taste can do. Luckily, they are concerned about the way they are viewed online. 

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